My ongoing journey of discovery with Massage, both as a client and a therapist, is often brought home to me most vividly at the most unexpected moments. This evening was one of them.
Living by the sea in Morecambe I often walk across the beach (rather than along the Prom) on my way to or from work. The quality of the journey is so different on the sand - especially bare foot and enjoying the constantly changing textures of sand and the undulations created by the waves. But it's taken to a completely different level when I do my favourite "Taking Time Out" - walking the tide line.
The bay bordered by the Stone Jetty to the North and The Battery to the South sees the tide come in on a wonderful curve. And it's this curve that I walked this evening and gained, well, so much. Walking ankle deep in water has the most wonderful effect - it slows me down. One of the most exciting principles of NO HANDS Massage for me has been that of Going Slow. I tend to live my life at Quick-Quick-Quick pace so allowing myself to go slow as a therapist, and to receive slow Touch as a client, has been an incredible eye opener. And something like walking the tide line, which invites me to go slow on so many levels, is fabulous.
By slowing down I find myself more aware of the important things - breathing deep down into my belly. Feeling the sand shifting under the soles of my feet, the flow of the water, letting myself sink into the moment with one simple focus: following the tide line. All with the humility of knowing I am but a speck in this amazing body of water. And with that the chatter of the day fades to nothing and a clarity comes.
Elementally it's all there - the water, the earth (in this case, sand), the wind (oh, the wind! Nothing quite like it) and the fire of the sun following its arc towards the horizon. How rare it is I find myself really appreciating each of the elements - and yet they are all there for the taking, if I just choose to partake.
As I started my walk I was sharing the bay with several others - some playing in the water, a fisherman and a kite surfer. By the end it was me and the kite surfer - I had a sense of a friendly companionship, and an amazement that no-one else seemed to be making the most of this stunning opportunity on a glorious summer's evening. And as I reached the rocks at the end of the Battery and stepped out of the water I thought I was walking on the moon - the difference between the consistency of the water and this "normal" walking through air was bizarre. Good bizarre, but very unexpectedly so.
And what has any of this to do with Massage? Everything. What Massage has taught me, through exploring my own body movements and through really feeling the sensations in my own body, is how to experience Being In My Body. I certainly feel like I spend a lot of my life "in my head" - but it's still my gut instinct I rely on in moments of crisis. It's still my physical being that keeps me healthy and active (or not if I disregard it too badly!)
The art of really connecting with myself on every level is how this evening's walk relates to Massage - because it's through Massage that I have been able to explore this art of connecting with myself, often without even realising it.
And I can't recommend it (the Massage or this particular tide line walk) enough!